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Educational/Creative/Self-Care Wellness

Designed With You In Mind

Our classes are online and in person

One-on-one & small groups







Exploring Visual Arts

Creative Expression for Young Learners 
(Ages 7 -11) 
Use basic art supplies and explore and discovery your own creativity.  Each session students will learn about art history, different artists from various cultures, art styles and get to use a variety of art mediums. At the end of the class students will take home their own book of their creative art work. 

Art Fundamentals for Young Children 
(Ages 7-12) 
Students will learn the basic fundamentals and important concepts for art. We will cover drawing and sketching skills that include: drawing simple shapes, sketching, shading, perspective, form and still-life drawing. Students will also learn about basic color theory, blending techniques, and proper use of various materials: pencils, pens, colored markers and charcoal. Creative expression is encouraged and students will create their own original art work that tells their artistic story. 

Artists/Art From Around the World 
(Ages 7-Adults) 
Learn and appreciate artworks and art styles from around the world. Each session we will explore one country or culture and look closely at art work and discuss how artists from various cultures have used art to communicate and tell their story. 

Interactive Virtual Field Trips to Museums From Around the World 
(Ages 9-Adults) 
Travel around the world and visit museums from various 

Introduction to Visual Arts and Descriptive Writing (Ages 7-Adults) 
Look at various types of art and will learn about the Elements & Principles of Art.
Then you will write about their observations and impression through descriptive writing. 

​​AP Art History  Prepare for the AP Exam (Ages 12-16) 
Explore art from pre-history to the present. Students will analyze works of art
through observation, discussion, reading and writing. 

​Photo Teen Journaling (Ages 12-16)
Preserve your teen life moments through writing and images.  Create a photo
journal to capture memories, tell stories and treasure them through your journal. 

​Make Your Own First Art Book and Puzzle
  (Ages 8-Adults) 
Turn your beautiful collection of art work into a memorable Art Book.
At the end of the class you will pick one of your favorite art work and turn it 
into a custom made puzzle art. 

Exploring Music

​​Singing for the Beginner  
(Ages 7-Adult) 
Have fun discovering your voice and learning to sing with confidence. Learn about
proper breathing, warm up exercises, body posture and sing songs you always wanted to sing. â€‹

​Acoustic Guitar for the Beginner 

(Ages 10-Adults) 
Learn how to tune your guitar and will practice simple chords and learn easy melodies and songs. 

Songwriting for the Beginner
(Ages 12-Adults) 
Learn the basic concepts of popular songwriting such as song construction, lyric writing,
melody and other basic elements.  Writing songs is enjoyable, fun and a creative way
to explore ideas and express yourself creatively.  

Stage Presence and Performing Live! (Ages 8-Adults) â€‹
This is a great opportunity to polish and sharpen your "live" performance skills whether
it's for music, speech/debate, or an upcoming public speaking event. Learn to engage and interact with your audience, overcome your stage fright and fear of rejection, and how to move and talk to an audience with confidence. 
Creating Your Social Media, Youtube, Instagram, Personal Website  
(18 yrs-and up)  â€‹
Need help with creating your own social media presence and website? We can help you create a logo, domain, and launch your social media platforms and website.

Music Video/Promo Video Production  
(18 yrs. and up
Let's create a music video for your original music/art/stories.  Share it on your
social media and website to promote your content. 

Language & Communication

​Creative Writing- "Tell Your Own Story  
(Ages 7-17)
Write your own creative short stories and at the same time develop your literacy and
language skills, discover a deep sense of your own writing voice, and have fun along the way. 

​English Language Art Skills- Communicate Effectively & Clearly 
(Ages 7 -17) 
Improve your English language art skills by working on a variety of fun and creative activities that will focus on: Reading, writing, grammar, listening, speaking and critical thinking skills.

​Public Speaking- "Be Heard and Become a Confident Communicator" 
(Ages 7 -17)​
Learn the basics for public speaking, prepare and practice weekly making presentations
about various topics.  Improve your skills for impacting an audience in a positive and
professional manner. 

Adult Learning
Therapeutic Classes to Enhance Creativity & Wellness​
(Ages18 and up)

Self-Refection Through Journaling and Short Story Writing. 
 (8 week workshop) 
Each week you will be guided to write with specific themes and prompts in mind.  Either through journaling or short story writing, you will spend quiet time reflecting and contemplating. Self-expressive journal writing and creative writing has numerous therapeutic benefits for our health. It has been proven to help heighten our awareness, improve our focus and deepen our insights into our feelings, thoughts and emotions. Writing also help us to organize our thoughts, enhance our clarity of thoughts and also can help us to clarify our thoughts and improve our relationships with ourself and others.

Mindful Journaling in the Present Moment
4-8 week workshop) ​
Mindful journaling can have a positive effect on our mental health and wellness. In mindful meditation, we observe thoughts and feelings as they arrive without judgement. This class will focus on contemplative journaling as a form of mindful meditation. During each session you will write and reflect on your thoughts and feelings as they show up in the present moment. Various journaling techniques and styles will also be introduced
Creative Writing to Preserve Precious Memories One Chapter at a Time
4-12 weeks) 
Whether fiction, non-fiction or poetry, creatively turn parts of the memories of your life into a story or book one chapter at a time. This class will help guide you along as you write stories inspired from your past. Turn old memories into new stories, turn parts of a memory into a book.  What do you want to preserve? What do you want other's to remember about you? By the end of the class, you will have produced a collections of stories that you can treasure privately or self-publish and share with others. 

Singing to Heal & Soothe My Heart
(4-6 weeks)
Sing your favorite songs and learn new songs to help bring comfort to your heart. In this class you will sing a variety of songs and release and contemplate on your own thoughts, emotions and memories. If the songs resonate with you, you can add it to your personal playlist for healing.
By the end of the class, you will have compiled your own soothing playlist that provides comfort and healing for your body, mind and heart.

Show Up With Greater Confidence" Overcome your Public Speaking Fears 
4-8 weeks)  
Showing up and speaking "live" in front on an audience or camera can be frightening for many of us. We become frozen, disoriented and lost while we stand before an audience of any size.We just can't find the words and get thrown off track and suddenly it's too late to recover. We leave our audience disappointed with our presentation with no real connection. Public speaking is an important skill regardless of your work industry or whether at school, home or for any special occasion talk. Those first few moments and seconds are critical and is your greatest opportunity to connect. This class will help you to improve and enhance your public speaking and how to connect effectively to any size audience. 

The Joy of Writing 
(4-8 weeks)
Whether you want to write in fiction, poetry or non-fiction come share your passion and write with us about whatever you're feeling, thinking and imagining.  You will be given weekly writing assignments


Mindful Meditation Practices 

Meditation and breathwork are supportive self-care tools to help enhance your overall well-being. With daily consistent practice, you can reduce stress, restore your energy, harmonize your body, mind and spirit, and attain greater focus and concentration. 


One-On-One Classes are available ( 4/8/12 week sessions)

Physical/ Mental & Emotional Benefits


Numerous studies have found that meditation produces many positive benefits when practiced consistently over a certain amount of time.  Some of the findings include:


  • Meditation can change and increase the size of the brain and increase blood flow to the brain.


  • Increases neuroplasticity of the brain 


  • Reduces cortisol productions, blood pressure and heart rate


  • Increases production of neurotransmitters, serotonin and dopamine


  • Stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, enabling rest and better recover from stress


  • Boosts the immune system


  • Calms the nervous system and increases resilience and lowers anxiety


  • Helps to relieve depression, improve attention, concentration, improves emotional stability and overall pyschological well-being

















For educational purposes only

Scientific Benefits of Breathwork


Recent studies have shown that breathwork techniques can promote psychological and physical benefits including: 


  • Increased feelings of relaxation and alertness


  • Decreased symptoms of anxiety, depression, anger, physiological stress​


  • Self-soothing for moments of stress, anxiety, and insomnia


  • Increases energy and boosts immunity ​


  • Lowers blood pressure and improves circulation


  • Helps manage pain


  • Strengthens the lungs


  • Improves mood and self-esteem


  • Releases toxins


  • Improves sleep


  • Helps manage depression


  • Increases muscle tone


  • Helps heal from trauma and manage PTSD


  • Improves digestion


  • Helps to overcome addictions


  • Improves focus and attention


  • Increases creativity



BE Studio programs and information provided is for educational, recreational and therapeutic purposes only.
We do not proved any advice. Please consult with your doctor for any medical issues or concerns. 

Loving Kindness Meditation metta


Loving kindness meditation (LKM) or metta, as it is called in Pali language is unconditional, inclusive love meditation not depended on if one deserves it or not. There is no expectation for anything in return. It starts with ourself and extends to others. It is a self-care meditation that starts from within and gives a feeling of warmth of oneself for self and others.  


Metta is one of many self- care therapeutic practices that can be beneficial and boost our overall wellbeing and reduce stress. Practicing metta regularly increases the capacity for forgiveness, connection to others, self-acceptance and more.  This technique is centered on generating kind intentions and focused on giving compassion, loving kindness and gratitude to yourself and others.

For educational purposes only

Enhancing Self-Care Creatively

Contemplative Practices

 Introduction to Mindful Meditation & Journaling for Beginners

A regular consistent meditation practice offers many incredible benefits like increased focus,​ greater calmness, decreased stress and improved sleep. Learn to meditate for your overall wellness. 


Self-Soothing-Breathwork to Enhance Wellness 

Learn a variety of traditional and modern breathing styles, techniques and exercises to help improve your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.  Over time studies have show that regular breathing exercises can be beneficial for reducing stress and anxiety, increases energy and boosts the immune system, lowers blood pressure and improves circulation, helps manage pain, strengthens lungs, improves moods, releases toxins, improves sleep and focus among many other more benefits.  


Our Energy Centers, An Introduction to the 7 Primary Chakras

When the major energy center of our  mind, body and spirit are out of balance, our health and overall wellness is affected. "Chakras" means wheel or disc in  Sanskrit and is responsible for our energetic, emotional, physical, psychological, mental and spiritual wellbeing.  Every cell in our body emits energy and Chakras work together to help us maintain our energetic flow of energy & balance throughout our bodies. This workshop will provide a comprehensive general introduction about our 7 Chakra energy centers or energetic fields , where they are located, and their primary function and how they govern our mind, body, emotions and spirit. This energy in yoga practice is referred as "Prana" or life force, the spinning wheel of energy. 


Creating a Mindful Work-Life Balance with Meditation& Journaling 

Untangle your professional and personal life and restore balance. An imbalance of spending too much time only on our work and career may leave us feeling exhausted, burned out, emotionally drained, unproductive and unmotivated.  This workshop will guide you with seated meditation practices and journaling to heighten your awareness, clarity and reexamination of your priorities in life. 


Meditation & Mindful Journaling For Healing Grief and Finding Comfort

Grieving for the loss of a loved one is a natural human response, and the grief process of healing is different for everyone.  We all grieve and heal in our own ways. This workshop will combine meditation and journaling to help the mind and body find peace, comfort and hope during such sad and difficult times. Through weekly mindful journaling and guided meditation, you will have the opportunity to contemplate and fully let go and embrace the experience.

At the end of the workshop, you will have a journal to keep filled with personal thoughts, memories and feelings about your loved one. 



Mindful Eating & Journaling to Enhance Overall Health and Wellness

Are you struggling with body image, self-confidence and other negative emotions?  Are you wanting to drop a few pounds without dieting? Do you want to improve your overall health and wellness? Do you need help in identifying barriers that are sabotaging you from reaching your end goals.  Do you need one-on-one support to keep you on track as you go through the process of overcoming your health and wellness challenges? 




Take care of your body, it's the only place you have to live....Jim Rohn

Image by Fallon Michael

joy, balance and
a greater sense of purpose

Ready to step out of Your Box? 

HUG Helping You Grow!


Sometimes we need a little help to
get unstuck and finally move forward.

Our HUG program offers personalized ONE-ON-ONE coaching to guide you towards greater Clarity, Empowerment & Improvement.  We encourage and support you along the way as you move towards your goals. We listen and help you to stay on track!  With BE Studios HUG Coaching,we "Help You Grow" move and advance forward, and help build greater confidence in your own abilities to reach your goals.
You get there sooner than late

With the right coaching guidance, you can enhance, transform and become
a better version of yourself
 in many areas of your life. Whether with
your health, career, work, relationships or any other areas, a coach helps you
discover and reinforce your purpose and ideal life. 
A coach is there
to assist you with what you are trying to achieve. 

HUG Coaching provides the extra support you need as you go through
the process of change and positive transformation. We provide 
no "miracle cure" for your problems, but rather assists in helping you find
ways toclose the gap from where you are right now to where you want to be. 

What is a Life Coach?
How can I benefit from having a personal life coach?

      1. A coach is not a therapist and DOES NOT diagnose mental issues. 

The focus in not on healing, treatment or mental health conditions,
         working through trauma or other issues from the past, treat mood or
     anxiety disorders, addiction or any other mental health disorder.

All of the above is left for the therapist professionals to address and handle.

A life coach focuses on the present and future and guides you
towards helping you identify and define your purpose and goals,
identify problematic behaviors, and support clients in setting
new goals and modifying current goals. 

Coaches focus and work on
"how" to work towards your goals

Benefits of Having a Personal Life Coach

1. Help you clarity and identify your vision, purpose
& deeper 
meaning in several areas of your life.
Q. Where do you want to go?
     Q. How do you plan to get there?

   2. Help you plan, develop, navigate and create strategies
                      to overcome obstacles to achieve a more happier
& meaningful life.

3. Assist you in achieving your ultimate goals more efficiently and quickly.

4. Help you to gain greater focus, stay present, in the moment
and work towards getting
 "unstuck" and move forward. 

5. Help you overcome challenges and identify your strengths that will help
you overcome your barriers.

6.  Help you to identify obstacles and areas of your life where you want to make
positive changes that 
will give you greater fulfillment in your life. 

A Life Coach helps you create a vision, reflect, 
gain momentum, accountability and helps
you to identify your passions and strengths to
create effective changes to reach your ultimate goals. 

Research has found that life coaching can have positive effects, improvements in personal insight, self-reflection, and can also contribute to a greater overall mental health and a better quality of your overall wellness. 


Show up in life with greater clarity, confidence and purpose...

moving forward one step at a time at BE Studios

(Ages 7-Adults)
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